Cody and I have been thinking about new ways to train. After Paris Cody had a bunch of ideas. While we have many thoughts about what a new improved training regime would look like, here are two of our ideas.
The first is that practice needs to be more then fencing 5 and 15 touch bouts. While we have all done different situational bouting techniques at camps and things we havent really seen it during normal practices. For the last two weeks we have been planning out each practice using different techniques.
For example one practice might include 3 five touch bouts, two singles equal one touch and the first to three touches wins, one person attacks like there is little time left and the first to ten, and a couple of fifteens. There is a huge variety that one could do. However you should tailor the drills to the situations you end up in bouts.
The other thing we have been doing is medicine ball workouts. They are fairly short and are fun. We did these 3-4 times a week. A workout is one arm passes, chest passes, torso throws, and squat throw the ball up. Of course to warm up we run around and throw a football. The football seems so light after throwing a 3-5 kilo medicine ball.
Overall the attack/defend drill has been the most helpful. It is very tiring but fencers end up in this situation a lot. I found it extremely helpful at the world cup. Feeling confident about when someone is coming at you and knowing what works for you and doesnt is very helpful. I have so many thoughts and this and cody has infinite more. If you have any questions shoot me an email kelseycs16@hotmail.com
PS Nike is selling all this new SPARQ training equipment ladders, medicine balls, hurdels, cones, and the such. Nike.com
Ah yes..... The medicine ball workout... I remember that one. haha
huh??not sure i would say that you "throw" the medicine ball. Launch might be a better word!!Great drill though! Unless--- you are on the receiving end and having the seth "throw" at you!DANGER!!!! I might add there are people that could do these all day long and never be 4th in the world. Congrats, congrats Cougarton!!!
Yes, launch, into my gut.
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